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Top tips for your wellbeing in 2021

from the experts


7 Jan 2021

Guest Blog by Katy Brown & Laura Bamber, Wellbeing & Life Coaches and founders of The Vibrancy Hub – the home of smart thinking and positive wellbeing. They are based in Cheshire. 

Here we go again! We hear you, we feel you – BUT this too shall pass, and remember, we can do hard things. Until then, let us share our top tips on moving through Lockdown 3 in the most balanced way possible; plus how we can ensure that 2021 still holds light, hope and optimism…

This week, begin by taking control of your environment. When the world around you is in chaos, be sure to protect your own energy – nobody can take this away from you. Your mental health comes first, so do whatever you need to look after yourself, whether this is a guided meditation, big walks outside, reading a book, calling a friend. You do not have to cope on your own. Ask for help and support, whatever that looks like to you. Keep talking – to your boss if you are struggling with your workload from home, to your partner about how you can both find some ‘you time’, to your pals to stay socially connected.

Listen to the news so that you are suitably informed, but beyond that, reduce your consumption, this applies to social media too. Take notice of how the content you are consuming impacts the way you feel.

If you are working from home, then boundaries are essential to ensure that there is a separation between ‘work life’ and ‘home life’. Plan your finish time and mark the end of your working day by changing up your energy – take a shower, change your clothes, get outside, play music…make sure the vibe moves from ‘work’ to ‘down time’.


One of the best ways to look after your whole health during this time is to begin each day by carving out a few moments of peace; take some deep breaths and check in with how you are feeling and what you need to best support yourself today. Try to plan ahead and weave into your time the simple pleasures that will improve your day. Try getting out into nature every day, remembering that a sense of freedom can be found in moving your body – mix up jogging, hiking, cycling, dancing! Treat your eyes to natural beauty by catching the sunrises and sunsets, and make sure you are utilising your quieter agenda by trying things you’ve always intended to do, whether that is crafts, learning something new online, documentaries, films, movies or books. Make sure you stay connected to those people who light you up – arrange catch ups via Zoom and FaceTime.

The beginning of January is usually the time we are bombarded with ‘new year, new you’ messages – which can feel overwhelming at the best of times, and add a pressure that we absolutely do not need. Plus, there is no need for a ‘new you’, the current you is wonderful, we just want to make sure that you are gently moving towards how you want to be living the next chapter ahead of you. So ‘new year, more you’ is our new favourite phrase.

How do you want to feel this year? Strong, empowered and in control? Calm, balanced and focused? Confident, ignited and optimistic?

Well, we are here to tell you that despite the world still being rather topsy turvy, it is absolutely possible for you to feel the way that you want.

It is the perfect time to gently look forward with optimism, connect in with your deepest desires and get clear on your intentions for 2021.⠀

Before doing so, it is critical to carve out space to reflect. 2020 pushed us off the relentless hamster wheel. It forced us to slow down and to face some of the stuff that was easy to ignore when we were hustling and bustling. So take your time. Make the time. This is the most important thing you can do for yourself and for those you love if you want to show up as the best version of you during the year ahead. 2020 was a lot of things but one thing we know for sure is that it was one of the biggest and best self discovery lessons we have ever been gifted.

Taking the time to consciously reflect provides the opportunity to undergo a deep cleanse, a final ‘shedding’. Ask yourself what you need to leave behind, what does not make you feel good and what you do not want to take forwards into your future. This might be outdated beliefs, habits, ways of operating, relationships or ways of speaking to yourself. Let that stuff go!

Do you have any unfinished business from 2020? How can you surrender and let go now? Remember that to make room for new beginnings full of optimism and opportunity, we must try hard to let go of what holds us back.

Katy Brown is a Wellbeing & Life Coach and founder of The Vibrancy Hub – the home of smart thinking and positive wellbeing.

Find a cosy, inspiring space, make a hot drink (or something stronger), grab your notebook and pen and settle in for an hour. Have a go at these journal prompts for your 2020 reflection:⠀

● What do I need to leave behind or make peace with that no longer serves me?
● What was my key piece of unfinished business last year?
● What were my toughest challenges of 2020?⠀
● What did I discover about myself in 2020?⠀
● What brought me the most joy in 2020?
● What was my greatest lesson in 2020?⠀

Now, for the inspiring bit – what do you want to bring to life in 2021? It is time to dare to dream a little and move forwards with gentle optimism around your desires for the year ahead.⠀

There may be many ideas, dreams, goals and experiences that come to you, or not. Either way is OK. The most important thing is to connect to your reason for a dream or goal. Why is this important to you? The more authentically the dream or goal is connected to YOU as an individual (rather than what society tells us success looks like) the more likely you are to bring it to life, and the more likely the experience is to bring you the genuine joy and fulfilment you are hoping for. The more ‘you’ you can bring to your dreams and goals, the more you will attract the things that are right for you – both people and experiences; life will begin to have a little more flow and ease.

Ultimately, we encourage you to connect to how you really want to feel. How do you feel at your best? This is different for everyone so try to describe the emotions you want to feel. Try to bring the picture to life. Consider how you behave, who is around you? How do you want to feel during your working day, in your relationships, when you wake up in the morning? Perhaps think about when you felt your best in 2020…

Get clear on this feeling and lock it in, so that you can re-visit this simple exercise and bring that feeling to life regularly. Perhaps choose a word that you feel inspired by and make it your word for 2021 – stick it up on your wall!

Create a simple ritual that will help you to keep nudging yourself forwards. Try this:

● Daily: remind yourself of the ‘feeling’ that you want to bring to life
● Weekly: Take a look at the key thoughts and ideas that came up in your journaling
● Monthly: Carve out an hour to re-look at your hopes and dreams for the year ahead and consider what tiny steps forwards you can take in the next week or month

In 2021 we wish for you to be kind and gentle to yourself, to accept, embrace and celebrate YOU as the incredible person that you are, and to live a life that is true to you.

Katy Brown & Laura Bamber are based in Cheshire. They are Wellbeing & Life Coaches and founders of The Vibrancy Hub – the home of smart thinking and positive wellbeing. Check out their Instagram page @thevibrancyhub or website,, for daily inspiration.

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